其实今天没有什么内容可以写,但是我对于我来说今天是特别的,没有主题。但是我有永远的追求reach for the sun!每个人都追求每个人的。我希望每天都是一个开心,既不带着过去的悲伤,有带着对未来没有的祝愿。我相信你的付出都会有回报。无论什么时候你都会看到。我觉得自己是幸运的,因为我有人在我身边支持我鼓励我。我是幸福的。
So that was a bit of a setback.But remember ,the brick walls are there for a reason .The brick wall are not there to keep us out.The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don`t want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people.
Randy Pausch
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